A retrospective look

Today we’ve waked-up a bit nostalgic. We’ve put on our boots as every day, opened our store in La Rambla as usual, but for some reason, our conversations always ended with some past memories or anecdotes. So we stoped ressisting, we took down the old picture’s boxes and we’ve shared some moments with those images that captured our history. But among all those old memories what grabbed our attention was a clippings album that, in this time that everything is digitalized, we let a bit forgotten. They were our press clippings. Our appearances in some print media that, when you’re a family small business, appreciates very especially.

Among them we can find true treasures, such as an article from “El Cuaderno del Domingo” (Sunday’s Notebook) from El Periódico (main printed newspaper in Catalonia) dated march 1998 entitled Con las botas puestas” (With the boots on) a fantastic shop review with a funny picture of Mr. Corbeto seated in our famous wooden bench surrounded by camperos boots, cowboy boots, and many other styles, together with our immutable Native American Chief, one of the attractions that have left a bigger mark at Corbeto’s Boots and many customers still affectionately remember, seated at store’s entrance to welcome . Or the quote at the Finnish travel guide, “Mondo Matkaopas: Barcelona”. Or a a recommendation from the luxury cruises company Viking Ocean Cruises to visit our store if visiting Las Ramblas. Small details that provide great satisfaction.

Although, from all those clippings there are two, that maybe are the most special for us. By chance, both are dated very closely on 2002.

When country music and line dance began to be popular

In that year started to spread places for line dancing and country music stopped being a tv cliché personified in Coyote Dax with his very well-known “No rompas mi corazón” (Don’t brake my heart) that all of us have sometime danced. So in march 2002, La Vanguardia newspaper Weekly Guide dedicated its main issue, precisely to the country with an overwhelming “Yeee-ha!”.

The main part was an especial article entitled “Ponte las botas” (Put your boots on) that went over the main places for dancing and enjoy country music in Catalonia, region of Spain where the passion for this genre and dance style was initiated. The article goes over the most iconic honky tonks like the Jambalaya, country mecca; the Nashville Club in Terrassa, the Wild Bunch Saloon in Vilassar de Mar, its neighbour the Texas in Vilassar de Dalt, the Manlleu City, at city centre; the Shotwell 59, an establishment from Barcelona that with the time opted for the line dance or the Country Klan, the most recent at that time.

The report was completed with a basic survival vocabulary guide (essential to start in this passion), a little guide with the places to learn line dance, an article with the different styles of country music and, of course, the indispensable  section “Dónde Equiparse” (shopping guide) where, in honor position, Corbeto’s Boots appears at the first place.

The first urban cowboy style boom

In La Vanguardia’s previous report, the columnist asked himself if this “new” passion for country music and line dance wouldn’t be a temporary trend. Certainly, time’s perspective has confirmed us that it wasn’t  and has settled as another hobby among a loyal and passionate public.

But, in fact, that same year, on august, the influence of western was obvious among our society and experienced one of the most relevant fashion booms with the urban cowboy style. As we have said many times. The cowboy look is atemporal, never gets out of fashion, is always visible and always will look good. But for some reason that only fashion gods know, somehow cyclical, the biggest fashion gurús focus their eyes in the western style and decide turn it into a trend. This is something happenning right now. And happened in 2002.

So El Periodico’s ByN Sunday Magazine reflected it with a fashion special article tittled “Autopista hacia el cielo” (Highway to the heaven). A special article where the main characters were the cowboy boots and western hats, the big belts and denim clothes. This special was the typical photographic report of super fashion models dressed with cowboy style clothing from different brands. Many of those products were from us, and, the true is that we were very proud of it.

All this lead us to think that we have always set trends, at least with respect to the western fashion. We like to believe that, in some way, we have also contributed to make public and popularize  the western culture in our country and we feel proud for being a reference store for the press but very specially for all our customers. That’s a good sign. We are on the right track.

Corbeto's Boots

Fretted crown fashion cowgirl hat with blue turquoise background

Corbeto's Boots

Distressed look mens Sendra cowboy boots with cinnamon brown python skin

Corbeto's Boots

Sendra Boots greased light brown leather cowboy belt with longhorn buckle

Corbeto's Boots

I Love Country Music belt buckle

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