Celebrate International Dance Day by dancing country line

If you love country line dance and take the most of any occasion you can enjoy this type of dancing, now presents the perfect opportunity: on April 29th is celebrating the International Dance Day, declared by the UNESCO in 1982.

This day’s objective is honouring the dance as it deserves, since it is a universal and very diverse art discipline, an expression form that break down all kind of barriers.

There is a great variety of dance styles and genres: classic, funky, hip hop, flamenco, tango, salsa, break dance… and country line dance, of course. And, what’s the best way to celebrate International Dance Day? Well…, simply dancing your preferred style! for that reason on April 29th there are many spectacles and dance activities in the streets, theatres, schools, and common spaces Worldwide. 

If you regularly do country line dance, it’s quite sure that have already scheduled a dance session on April 29th. In addition, country line dance is an opportunity for you to show a very special attire that can entirely get at Corbeto’s: cowboy hat, boots, western belts, western shirts, bandanas… and much more!! 

But, let’ see how the International Dance Day appeared and also why country line dance engages so much.


Dance as body’s language

The initiative to celebrate this artistical demonstration came from the International Dance Committee, request that the UNESCO accepted. With the commemoration of this day is intended to impulse dance’s art and culture importance, present all around the world. The chosen date as International Dance Day isn’t casual: on April 29th was born the renowned French dancer and choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre. 

Dance is also known as “body’s language”, because through corporal movements the human being has expressed and communicated from the remote times. This means that dance is an expression form, but also social interaction that unites people.

There are many dance styles and genres, some very different each other. But all have common elements:

  • Proper physical space to learn and practice the dance.
  • Directed choreography based on corporal coordinated movements that form a dance.
  • Training from the study and continued practice of the steps, until correctly learning the choreography.
  • Clothing and accessories adapted for each dance style and genre, that if it’s country line dance, will find at Corbeto’s Boots, specialized on American and western clothing.


Besides being an artistical and cultural expression, and above all, a great source of fun, dance brings other benefits. And especially the ones from country line dance are very interesting. Let’s take a look, and you will probably better understand why you love that dance. Haven’t tried it yet? Well, so let’s give you some reasons to do it.


What country line dance brings to you

Since country dance crossed during mid 90’s USA border, its born place, this dance hasn’t stopped spreading around the world. In Spain also pushed hard and seems that the passion for this dance is increasing: line dance groups and meetings are every time more popular.

In addition to a way of fun, country line dance means practicing physical exercise and even mental:

  • It helps you stay fit, because is an aerobic exercise and you burn calories when practicing.
  • It’s great to fight against stress and insomnia. This happens because when concentrating to apply the choreography, you forget about the accumulated tension during the day and after you can sleep better.
  • It makes your memory to work, together with the balance and coordination, these 3 elements are necessary to correctly execute country line dance choreographies.
  • It makes increasing your self-confidence, because as you improve your dance technique sharing the experience with other people, your self-esteem is reinforced.


Country line dance might have more benefits that you have discovered in the only possible way to know well this dance: wearing a good pair of cowboy boots, putting on a western hat and letting go by a great country song. Let the music start! 










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