Corbetos’ Boots uses own and third party cookies for strictly functional purposes, allow web browsing, as well as for analytic purposes, show advertising (both general and customized) based on a profile created from your browsing habits, to optimize our site and check customer’s purchased products reviews.
For further information check our Cookies policy.
Clink on Accept All button to confirm that have read and accepted the information shown. After accepting, we won’t show this monthsage again, unless you delete your cookies from your browser.
This web site uses its own and third party cookies to offer a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services the user accept the use we give to the cookies. Nevertheless, the user has the option to stop generation of cookies and erase them with the corresponding option at the browser. In the case of blocking cookies use it may be possible that some online shop services or functionalities will not be available.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a file created to save information at the visitor's computer regarding, for example, to her or his preferences during the navigation at a web site. When visiting a site that uses cookies, the web may ask your browser to save one or more cookies at visitor's computer hard disk. Deppending on the browser, cookies are saved in a sole file or several.
Cookies often save web site personal settings, as for preferred language or location. So when you go back to that web site the browser send the cookies that belongs to that site allowing to show customized information deppending your needs.
Cookies may also save information that personally identifies. This personal information, for example the name, email, address or phone number is what can be used for identification or contact. The web site has only access to the personal information that the user has provided. So for example the web site can not know your email unless the user provides it. The web site will not have access to any data saved at your computer.
How cookies are used?
When navigating at this web site the user is accepting that cookies may be installed at her or his computer and allow us to know the following information:
- Statistic information about web site use.
- User's login to keep session active.
- Social networks connection data for Facebook, Twitter, Google + or Pinterest users.
This web site uses temporary and permanent cookies: temporary cookies only store data during the time a visitor is browsing the web site and the permanent cookies store data on the computer to be accessed and used for more than one time.
Deppending of the purpose for what the cookies have stored the data, the web site will use:
Technical Cookies
Those that allows user's navigation throughout the online store and use of the different options and services that provides. For example, traffic control, data communication, session identification, restricted areas access (user's panel), remember items included in an order, participation or registration in an event, use of security elements during navigation and store contents for video or sound broadcasting.
Customization Cookies
These cookies allow the user to access the web site with some customized preferences as language, web browser, special contents design, geolocation and regional setup.
Third party Cookies
In some web sites it is possible to install third party cookies that allow manage and enhance the offered services.
At we use third party cookies from Google Inc., Twitter Inc., Facebook, Inc. and Pinterest Inc. to allow sharing of contents from our online store at the social networks Google +, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Cookies from Google Inc. are also used for the Analytics service to analyze navigation information.
More information at:
We use cookies from Zopim Technologies for our personal assistance chat proper working.
They are:
__zlcid: Stores the Zopim Live Chat ID used to identify the device across visits, and also across a single chat session.
__zprivacy: Stores the user's preference to disable Live Chat, and cease using cookies. This is stored across visits.
Finaly, there are cookies from Confianza Online to show its seal at our online store that recognize us as affiliated company.
How manage cookies at the browser
User has the option to allow, block or delete cookies installed at her/his computer by checking the options at the installed browser:
To adjust permits regarding cookies at the different browser you can check:
Google Chrome browser:
Mozilla Firefox browser:
Internet Explorer browser:
Opera browser:
Take note that when blocking cookies use at your browser some services or functionalites may not be available at the online store.
Some browsers can be set up with specific rules to manage cookies at each web site, offering a more accurate privacy control. This means that you can block all cookies except for those at trusted web sites.